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Anatomy of the Novel:
Women, Meat & Meaning


To read abstracts of the academic papers developed in this course, please click on our photos below.
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Student Participants in "Anatomy of the Novel: Women, Meat and Meaning"
Spring 2015
Guilford College
Cecelia Baltich-Schecter
Raun A. Blanchard

Alayna Bradly
Carson Collins
Emily Currie
Allison DeBusk
Jonahs Jones
Tindall Knotts
Subhadra S.
Faith Krech
Karlen Lambert
Juliet Smith
Shelby Smith
Camille Lindsley
Allison Stalberg
Christie Loubet-Senear
Tara Strefling
Justyn Melrose
Amber Swan
Julia Murnane
Amanda Thompson
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